暫時缺貨 $188.00
It made with soft and springy material, it can stand on the table itself. Best choice for the fans of Toystory.
Product size: W150×H150×D60mm
Collection: Beans, Toystory
Character: Alien, Little Green Men
Brand: Disney
Date Release: 2018/04
Manufacturer: Takara Tomy, Japan
©Disney, Pixar
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Category: 三眼仔, 攬枕咕𠱸, cartoon, 卡通人物, 收藏系列, 精品收藏, 咕𠱸, 迪士尼, 公仔, Kids, 生活精品, little green men, regular item, 玩具, toy story, Toystory 反斗奇兵